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Library at Mohammed V University at Agdal, Rabat. Photo © Arne Hoel / World Bank
Library at Mohammed V University at Agdal, Rabat. Photo © Arne Hoel / World Bank

Screening Resources: What to do after Screening

What to do After Screening

What to do After Screening

Content Bundle

Understanding which project component, activity, or outcome is at risk – at an early stage of project preparation – can be used to inform project design and consultations around risk management measures.

Key next steps include: 

  1. Consider measures or strategies that can mitigate and manage these risks. Refer to the relevant reference guides and sector resources for risk management measures. Key considerations for resilience measures include:

    • Does the project support a system for ongoing adaptive management? Resilience plans should allow investments to respond adaptively to newly emerging conditions and information and appropriate budget allocation for maintenance should be built in.

    • Are there opportunities for the project to support building resilience of the broader community, ecosystem, or asset network? Conducting local stakeholder consultations and dialogues and incorporating feedback can enhance resilience and improve development outcomes.

    • Has the project considered cross-sectoral linkages? Climate and disaster risks and vulnerabilities in other sectors may affect the project. Would enhanced coordination and information flow across relevant sector agencies be beneficial?

  2. Identify if further information or follow-up locational studies/risk/technical assessments are necessary and undertake follow-up assessments. See the reference guides for suggested resources for technical assessments.

  3. Incorporate climate and disaster risk considerations into project documents. To incorporate results from risk screening in project documents, project teams should:

    Climate risk management can contribute to the World Bank’s climate-related finance targets through Climate Co-Benefits in adaptation.

    • Summarize identified climate and disaster risks in the “Country Context,” “Sectoral and Institutional Context” and/or “Key Risks” sections of project documents – including the risk rating (e.g. high, moderate, low) and a justification for that rating.

    • Where risks exist, teams should discuss resilience building measures in appropriate sections, including the “Project Description” section, the Theory of Change/Results Chain, and the Results Framework.

Also note that risk screening can help inform the Environmental and Social Framework (ESF). For example, risk screening might identify an increased risk of flooding, which could then impact the occupational health and safety of workers. Thus, Task Teams are encouraged to share screening results with their Environmental and Social Specialists.